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Trilha na natureza

The Family Constellation (both Family and Organizational) is a tool used to understand the cause of a conflict or a situation and then work on its solution.


It is a fast and effective method performed in a single session, with an average duration of 2 hours. Frequent complaints brought to the Constellation are:

PERSONAL PROBLEMS: Anxiety, depression, illness, unhappiness, complicated relationship with parents or children, difficult emotional relationship, binge eating, addictions, etc.

PROFESSIONAL / ORGANIZATIONAL PROBLEMS: Problems on the relashion with your boss or your the team, difficulty in reaching your professional or the company goals, complicated relationship with money, demotivation, etc.

HOW IT WORKS: Constellation shows the client (constellated) what he needs to work on such situation within the sphere of his responsibility to change it or to end the conflict. By understanding what your share of responsibility is, you can change the situation, without getting into conflict with other people, acting precisely and in a compassion way (in personal matters) or professionally (in professional / organizational matters).

* Get in touch and schedule your online session! *

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